Shu Uemura Tint In Gelato [Review]

Orange lipstick
Bubblegum Pink Gloss

This is one long overdue blogpost but I still want to talk about it because it is definitely one of the most moisturising matte lip colour I've ever worn! I seriously can't get enough of it. 

Mr. Shu Uemura once said that colours are like personalities, they are infinite. Tint in gelato lip and cheek colour reflects that philosophy perfectly thanks to the infinite colour variations and multitude of different effects that can be achieved easily. 

Shu Uemura Tint In Gelato
Pastel pink gloss

First of all, their packaging is very classy, something a sophisticated woman will appreciate. Then, you'll get blown away by the colour pigments. All of their available shades are extremely pigmented and creamy in texture. It's so smooth and moisturising but still have the ability to introduce matte or semi-matte onto our lips. Well, for me, I see it as matte when I blot away the shine with a tissue. 

The two key ingredients that made all these possible are the Elastomeric gel for controllable coverage and Aquapump complex for a moisturising sensation. With these two, this is where we get an easy spread, easy blending, and non-drying lip colour. While you enjoy a great colour pay off, you should also know that these babies stays on your lips. It's extremely long lasting. Hallelujah, I can't say more on how much I love these. 

Tint In Gelato lip Swatches
Shu Uemura Tint in Gelato in PK 03 and AT 03

Although, they sell this product as a lip and cheek tint, I've only used it as a lip colour. Of course, you still can spread it on your cheek and I'm sure it will blend beautifully but for some unknown reason, I just love it as a lip colour too much to care about using it as a blusher, unless I'm desperate but so far no such case or opportunity. 

The applicator is pretty standard and also I have to mention that because of the amazing colour pigmentation, what ever shades you use, you will still have to apply them with a mirror. This is definitely not one product your can simply swipe it on while driving. Precision is rather important with this stick since is not your average lip colour. 

Available at any Shu Uemura counters for RM90 each. 

girl applying lipgloss with iphone


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