Shizens Lip Tattoo [Brief Review + Giveaway]

I've tried a couple of Shizens products before and reviewed a few of them before. The one product that I absolutely loved was the Shizens Shui (Review Here) It was an amazing product that helps to strengthen's skin immune system.

I've tried this Lip Tattoo in a dual-ended version (Lip Painter) that pairs off with a stunning, clear-ish lip gloss on the other end. This is definitely an exciting product for those who have never tried it before or love lip items that tints your lips. I was, once, filled with that same excitement.

It claims to add a spread of moisture and relieves the formation of fine lines. It helps to lighten dark pigmented lips and gradually turns them into natural pink or rosy tones depending on your body heat.

It doesn't have a particular smell to this white, water-like texture product. It's not sticky and it stains your lips for a long time. It has a regular doe-foot applicator and well, it's just a tint, so you won't really need a mirror to apply them on.

My tip when applying this on would be apply sparingly first, especially the first time because you will want to know how much it changes on your lips. Usually it gets to it's peak colour after 1-2 minutes, so don't worry if it doesn't look like it's working immediately after application.

My issue was when the moisture only last for about 30 minutes, then my lips starts to feel rather dry. Of course, I won't go applying this lip tattoo every half an hour, that would be too much of work. I will usually apply a balm after that. It happens to most natural tints I have, thus, one of the reasons why I stop using tints unless they provide a crazy awesome pigment. I would rather apply on a tinted lipbalm as it works the same but keep my lips moisturised longer.

The other issue I encountered was after many uses, the doe-foot applicator starts to look much pinker and the sides of the tubes gets stained too. I highly suggest that you start the habit of cleaning the cap area every once in a while or it will start getting gross looking.

Full Size - RM168 (8ml)

You want to try this? Here's your chance to win it!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

  • There will only be one [1] winner. 
  • Winner will be required to collect the prize from me at an agreed location or request for postage and bear the cost of delivery.
  • Giveaway ends on the 25th January 2015. 
All The Best!

And the winner is.... CONGRATULATIONS, MissJasJas!


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I wish to win this because I'm a lip addict fan for years, from glossy lipgloss to plumpy lipsticks that I loved to keep in my collection!
I wish to win this because I'm a lip addict fan for years, from glossy lipgloss to plumpy lipsticks that I loved to keep in my collection!

Jacinta Chong
snowmint said…
Thanks for the give-away!

Alicia Yeoh
Unknown said…
I wanna win this because seriously my dull, thin, cracked lips needs some serious plumping and sexy-ing up!!! ;D
yoorinmelacolea said…
Unknown said…
Name: Sally Yatiey
Pony said…
I would love to try it dear :)
Tenshi Chn said…
Love this lip tint! prefer natural colours like this rather than lipsticks. bf would love it too coz no stain transferred. Hahaha.

Patricia Lim
I want to win this because i never had lip tattoo before and I have read a lot of my friends (bloggers) reviewed about this product.. It must be very fantastic product! That's why I want to try it too.

Name : MissJasJas
E-mail :
I want to win this because I never had lip tattoo before and I seriously don't know what's that until I found a lot of my bloggers friends reviewed about this product and it makes me want to have it also. I also found that it will moisturize our lips and my lips always dry no matter how.. That's why :)

Name : MissJasJas
E-mail :
Eevee said…
i wish to have this amazing product!

Eevee Shim
Anonymous said…
I wanted to win this because I totally understand what you have been through after reading your blog, having a dry lip after using lip tint and I'm really looking forward to experience up what you've experience too!! Much love!! ❤️❤️ Thanks!!

Angela Saver said…
I'd love to win this!

Angela Saver

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