Chasing That Wishlist.

happy surprise expression


Last year, I wrote a blogpost about my birthday wish of wanting to own a DSLR. Well, that wish came true 5 months after my birthday, broke my piggy bank on the floor and handed over all my savings to the camera shop man. It wasn't the exact model that I wanted but I was proud to call it mine.

And then, bit and pieces of my room studio started to appear too. My vision of a white cloth hung over a fashion rack and the right lighting finally all came together recently. I actually took my own sweet time to find these items just so that I can get them all within my budget. 

Being human, there will always be something that you want. We move on to another once we've achieved one goal. Being completely contented is good but it gets boring after a while because there's nothing in life that you look forward to achieving. That's when your life becomes a routine. 

So, it's time to lay it all out and start planning. 

Short term

My short term wishes are fairly easy, lols. I mean, I have the money to buy them but still not too sure if I should spend this amount of money for myself. I guess, these brushes will remain in my wishlist until somebody will be ever so kind and caring enough to buy these brushes for me or until I finally cave in, which probably won't be happening anytime soon. 

Long term

These are something that I really, really want. Recently, I've noticed my dreams of wanting to visit the States and UK are becoming more apparent. As in I talk about it more often than usual, I randomly google 'places to see in the USA/UK' to release stress, I take a super deep breath every time I see a view of these countries in movies or pictures, I get all excited when people start asking 'where do you want to travel?', and the list goes on. 

I'm giving myself four year to get my ass over to US and UK. If I have the opportunity to further my studies in the States with a scholarship, that would be one hell of an achievement!

Start planning to make your wish come true!


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