Belated Mother's Day

So sorry that I only did this after a week since Mother's Day. Was just really stress about my documentry assignment, our team had argue and misunderstandings and conflicts on topic. Seriously man, choosing a social issue topic for documentry is Not EASY! Anyway, HAPPY BELATED 1 WEEK MOTHER'S DAY!!

A picture of my mom and I.

These I took in Cameron. So fit the blog title.
'Go bathe! Iron your clothes! Don't wear toilet slipper!' are the few sentences that you have to keep repeating to my face.
Even that, it never seem to work cause I never seem to bother about my self-care, the crease on my shirt and my appearance.
I know that I have been a pain in the ass ever since I reached a place call earth.
And I thank God that you are the one who gave me birth.
You are my Goddess when I was a toddler,
I need you more than I need my board game, snake and ladder.
You are my idol when I was a child,
I was going through a serious children rebellion trial.
You are my friend and enemy when I was a secondary school teenager,
There were many laughter and anger.
You are the listener to my problems, complaints and gossips!
I love that sometimes when you're not paying attention to me, I'll make you pretend that you care about the stories that comes out from my lips.
One thing will never change,
is that you are my mother,
always and forever.
I was away for the past few days, was in Cameron doing documentry with my group. We had a rough begining but we had fun at the end. Things just seems to fall in places without us planning much and all. We definitely didn't regret choosing the topic that we had choosen. A big thanks to serene's uncle, Forest Gan. Or else, we may not even get to go in the village.
Coming up...... Some pictures from cameron!


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