
January Bag of Love

I'm sure you've already known what's in the January Bag of Love and I've already seen what's in February BOL, they have some pretty fun stuff, find their teaser post on their FB page. Here's a recap and some review of a few stuff that I've tried from January BOL. 

ZA True White Essence Lotion (Review)

ZA is launching their new True White Essence Lotion in March, so I thought this would probably be the best time to review them for you just to give you a gist of what to expect from the product itself.  The idea of the essence was to accompany the other products in the already available True White range. My personal experience with ZA was only with the hydrating range and it wasn't bad.

An Encounter With A Taiwanese Company.

Our passion of skincare and cosmetic just made us clicked! is a Taiwanese online beauty website where you can find mainly brands such as Echisse, Ferrmina and Reacheer for purchase. Their service was fast and front liners were friendly throughout the entire email conversation. Since they are a Taiwan based company, do expect their website to have grammatical errors or some words used improperly in a certain sentence. They are in the midst of improving their english site. Here are some of the products I've picked out to try from their website. Also, stay till the end to find out more about my International Giveaway!  

Chasing That Wishlist.

Ohla! Last year, I wrote a blogpost about my birthday wish of wanting to own a DSLR. Well, that wish came true 5 months after my birthday, broke my piggy bank on the floor and handed over all my savings to the camera shop man. It wasn't the exact model that I wanted but I was proud to call it mine. And then, bit and pieces of my room studio started to appear too. My vision of a white cloth hung over a fashion rack and the right lighting finally all came together recently. I actually took my own sweet time to find these items just so that I can get them all within my budget.  Being human, there will always be something that you want. We move on to another once we've achieved one goal. Being completely contented is good but it gets boring after a while because there's nothing in life that you look forward to achieving. That's when your life becomes a routine.  So, it's time to lay it all out and start planning. 

7 Questions About SK-II.

Most of you would know that I've started using SK-II for the very first time since the beginning of this year. 2014 is the year where I will be turning 24 years old, and I will be a quarter of a century old next year! Time is really moving fast and we can't turn back time on what's not done. 

Quantum Energy - A New Solution to Wellness, Slimming & Beauty.

Some time ago, I was invited to attend a workshop learning all about the science behind quantum energy. Thanks to the medical revolution of the 21st century, it's found that quantum energy is able to repair and revitalise the cells of the human body, enhancing its natural self-healing ability to cure as well as prevent against diseases. 

Time to #GetSassooned + Win a Makeover!

Guess which celebrity got her hair all chopped off?