
oh-so-rare updates

Hello......... My blog readers! I have no idea if any of you keep up with my blog other than my mother but I know it has been a while. Don't get me wrong, I still love blogging as it is the only place where I can be vain all I want.  Past two months break was good. Not much of working but done pretty much different things and activities that I don't often do. I left one month of holiday and then is back to reality, a student in her fourth semester. Pretty depressing though due to the thought of me having only one and half years left in University. I am excited about the working world too because I can't wait to start earning my own money. :D It's true, as much as I love getting allowances from my parents, I feel more secure earning my own money. However, just the thought of paying for my own car kills me. Worst will be the thought of 'what if I can't get my dream career that pays well?' OMG, then I won't be able to have a good life! I still want my own

Almost the end of 2010

Woots, another year passing by and I'm going to be 21 next year. Pressure? I don't know. So far, not really, not yet maybe. I would describe 2010 as a good year for me, God has just been so awesome to me even though there are some things that I'm slighty disappointed about or even somewhat made me depressed is some ways at some point within this year. God's perfect plan leads to something better most of the time, I just have to keep trusting in Him. I may not like the way He do things sometimes but He have me best at heart. Yeah, pain and suffering at times but fruitful in the midst of affliction. Man, I still love those words. I may even change it back. Haha, we'll see. Joining Mirror's have definitely impacted my life in one way or another. It gave me a chance to give modelling a shot and have photoshoots and heavy makeup, go for fitting, have catwalk classes and dance lessons. I get to do all the things I love at one go! Maybe it gave me a confirmation that

Seenamon update!

Hey everyone, Seenamon is back with new stuff! The rachel necklace! Pearl collection! Vanilla from pearl collection. Christmas is coming! Get something from seenamon for your family or friends!

Still voiceless but moving on with life

Brake my own record for being silent for 2 days. I still damn shiok went out whole day yesterday and tasted my first ikea meatballs! It's superb! Communication becomes tough when you can't speak. Especially for a talkative person like me relay mainly on my verbal communication most of the time shows me a whole different perspective yesterday. When I no longer able to be the one creating a conversation, driving journey to your destination may be less interesting due to all the quiet moments. However, mine wasn't boring at all though. haha. Second thing I realize, when I can't say thank you to those promoters or waiter, I feel bad! I feel so rude! Even though I just smile back at them still seem not sufficient. Third thing is actually kinda fun walking about and converse through pen and paper, making other ppl around us thinks that I mute. haha. Seriously, try it. Trying go shopping and be silent. Sometimes ppl tend to be nicer but of course, is so frustrating! Is still


Finally, after day three of being sick with sore throat, sore body and fever. My voice box couldn't take it no longer, it broke and I officially can't speak. Only a few hours since I woke up this morning, my family attacked me with no mercy. Taking advantage of my situation where I can't speak for myself thus bullying me and making fun of me. haha. How evil of them. It's cool though, it's just a family thing to do. My parents say is the best time to scold me, cis,  because I can't defend myself so I can only listen. I tried to write on a piece of paper but obviously, their speech is ten times faster than mine. The saddest part was when I wrote Iphone 4 and show it to my mom, she totally did got get what is it until a few try of pronunciation and I just spoke to them about it last night. Haha, gosh, this shows how blur my mom can be when it comes to tech. I gave up on trying to have a conversation with pen and paper because it is just freaking not working, at all

Do I?

For someone who loves blogging a lot is certainly not updating her blog regularly. As much as I said I am taking a break for this holidays and not going to do much working and stuff, I feel so unproductive! It is driving me crazy! I feel so lazy and I feel like I need to work. Haha. I don't deny that I love waking up late in the morning and taking my own sweet time just laying around as much as I want. With so much time on my hands, I still somehow find myself occupied with many other things. I think I did a lot of catching up with friends, not much with family though but I am sure my parents and happy that they finally see my face more often in a week than usual. Am I complaining?  I feel like I am. Haha, freak, I am contradicting myself because I do have a few things in hand to settle but I just never get to it. Why? Because I am lazy. It is true, I'm still human, I do get lazy. Also, if my mom is reading this, I think I suck at this semester but no worries, it's not th

Moment of silence

First of all, I deeply thank you everyone that voted for me during the past 2 weeks. I am also deeply sorry for all the spamming on the facebook page, I'm sure most of you are bored listening to my shout out to vote for me! I will update on the results as soon as it is out. After a very long time, I never really take time for myself to sit by the lake (around the car park area) all by myself and just be quiet in the presence of the humongous wind blowing from right to left. A stair way rarely used by anyone in the campus seems to be the best place to hang after all. Deejavu though, I don't think it's my first time sitting here alone. It will be even better if there is plug point for me to charge my dying laptop battery. Actually, I never really have the time for times like this to stop thinking about anything but just to reflect what had happenned recently and think what I should have done to make somethings better. Take a break from my activity after activity life with a