We Are Young Adults, We Drink Water When We Gather & Why You Totally Should Too! [Spritzer Hot & Warm Mini Dispenser Giveaway!]

Thank God for unimates! They are the ones that knows and accepts you for all your crap. Watching each other grow for that short 3-4 years was definitely an interesting journey for me. My life wouldn't be the same without the friends I had in my Foundation and Degree years, they just know how to brighten up a gloomy day!

I couldn't believe that it's been 7 years since we knew each other! It's crazy how much "those were the days..." we now use everytime we catch up. 

"Remember, we used to karaoke every week after class?"
"I still remember we used to FIFA the whole night till morning and order the best burger nearby when we were hungry."
"We once could stay up 24-h just to finish our assignments and still can go to class the next day. Ohmygosh, those were the days when we had the energy."

Truly, it's so different now. As we grew older, of course, we are much wiser now (hopefully), we realised that we are really not that young anymore. Being in our mid-20s, sleep deprivation is a sin now and long gone the days where we could go living out unhealthy lifestyles. This includes levelling up our water intake by choosing to drink more water over any other 'party' or 'gathering' drinks especially those sweet, fizzy ones. 

"Water makes up about two thirds of who we are and influences 100% of the processes in our body", says hydration expert Doug Casa, PhD. Thus, drinking enough water should naturally make us feel better. Here are a few reasons why you should choose to hydrate yourself with water: 

#1 It helps with losing weight
When you drink water before a meal, it makes you feel full and possibly boost metabolism too. Plus, it's also common for us to mistake thirst for hunger. Thus, the next time when you feel fatigued or sluggish, some H2O might just help to perk you up. 

#2 Good for your digestion
Put on your glasses as I'm going to be a little scientific here - in the large intestine, water binds with fibre to increase the bulk of the stools, reduce transit time and make elimination easier. When you don't drink enough water, the colon pulls water from stools, increasing your risk of constipation. #FACT

#3 May protect you from some types of cancer
It's been studied that the greater the fluid intake (results more significant with water), the lower the chances of getting bladder cancer because it's possible that urinating more frequently prevents the buildup of bladder carcinogens. Also, keeping yourself hydrated may also reduce the risk of colon cancer and breast cancer. 

#4 It improves mood and alertness
Oh yes, it refreshes us and improves our state of mind! Feeling tired is one of the first signs of dehydration, thus filling up on H2O could zap the sleepiness away!

#5 Helps you look good!
Of course, being a beauty blogger, how can I not say this. Water helps to improve skin complexion. We've read so much about this. Water moisturises your skin, keeps it fresh, soft, glowing and smooth. It even helps to reduce wrinkles, it's the best anti-ageing treatment around!

There are so many more reasons why you should drink more water, but first read on further to find out how you can win yourself your very own Spritzer Hot and Warm Mini Dispenser

This is quite amazing because the Spritzer Dispenser and Bigger Pack Size Series is hassle free. It's friendly in size, friendly to use, and totally eco-friendly. It's not only perfect for gatherings, it's also perfect for small spaces such as offices or homes. Now you don't have to worry who always finishes the hot water and never take the effort to boil them. 

Besides that, here are few other reasons how convenient this new, nifty thing is:

1. Online Services

The bottles are readily available in supermarkets and hypermarkets but for those busy bees, you are in luck because you can order it online too! No delivery hassle, no deposits required. However, only available in the Klang Valley area. Click here to get them online!

2. Lady-friendly

The bottles are light-weight and ecological friendly. It's easy to handle, it doesn't required too much man effort to carry the bottle. It's 50% less PET (polyethylene) material usage compared with the typical 5 gallon bottle.

3. Anywhere, anytime

It's so convenient that you can have them pretty much anywhere. The bottles have non-spill caps with easy tear handle to prevent unnecessary spills. Also, for those wondering, the bottle are designed to fit nicely on all types of water dispenser. Thus, you should still be able to use the bottle for your available dispenser.

4. Hot water NOW!

Oh yes, hot water in an instant! Can't get anymore awesome than this. Just imagine all the times you want late night coffee and maggie cup tom yum during a rainy day, yesssssssssss please!

Spritzer Hot & Warm Mini Dispenser comes with 4 different colours (Green, Pink, Purple, Grey) to suite your interior design. The dispenser also comes with a limited edition Spriky (the mascot) decal that are printed with water facts as well as positive quotes, you know, maybe you want to educate other friends and family about drinking water or something. 

For price lists, orders and info, visit Spritzer Online Shop!

Giveaway Time!

Spritzer is kind enough to sponsor ONE [1] Spritzer Hot and Warm Mini Dispenser to giveaway to one of my amazing reader! Here's how you can join:

  1. Tell me what are the three (3) benefits of drinking water? 
  2. Comment in the comment section below with your Answer along with your Full Name and Email Address. Add something nice if you want :) 
  3. If you sharing on social media, do tag me cause I would love to know! IG & Twitter (@jqleejq) 
  • Contest ends on the 12th July 2015, Sunday (11.59pm).
  • Winner may need to pick up the prize themselves. Otherwise, might have to pay for their own shipping fee. 

All the best!


Jessying said…
1) Tell me what are the three (3) benefits of drinking water?
- Helps to loose weight (seriously need to drink more), Helps digestion (better reason to drink) and may protect you from some types of cancer (confirm need to drink lots of water from now on!)

Full Name : Lee Huey Ying
Email : jessying@gmail.com

Wah got hot & cool water is perfect for our weather lah! If I win this want to put in the room and drink lots of water. No excuse being lazy to walk to kitchen to drink water...
May aNG said…
1. Water Helps Keep Skin Looking Good and Flushes Out Toxins
2. Natural Headache Remedy commonly caused by dehydration
3. Prevents Cramps and Sprains, keep joints lubricated and muscles more elastic so joint pain is less likely
4. Maintains Regularity in digestion as water is essential to digest the food and prevents constipation.

Full name : Ang Mee Leng
Email : may_9582@yahoo.com
Unknown said…
Great article!

Benefits of drinking water
1. It helps with losing weight
2. Good for your digestion
3. May protect you from some types of cancer

Full name : Chan Lai Ching
email: wendyclc85@gmail.com
snowmint said…
The three benefits of drinking water are:
1. It helps with losing weight
2. Aids digestion
3. Helps you look good by keeping you hydrated thus improving your health and skin condition.

Full Name: Alicia Yeoh
Email: hayleymaris@gmail.com

Thank you for the awesome water-tastic giveaway! ^-^

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