The week before I left to Genting

I knew that Interning in Genting would make me wanna write a series of blogpost about my internship in Genting. I think it would be useful to those wanting to know more about the life in Genting while working here. Personally, before deciding, I googled about 'the working life in Genting', hoping to find something useful or a site with some testimonies. All I found was a rather short post that is not really useful for someone new to working in Genting and a forum of people working in Genting before but not particularly internship. So I guess you might see the next post to be my Part 1 of The Girl Who is Interning in Genting. Lols.

For now, bear with me as I torture you through a random journey of what I did the week before I left to Genting.

Wondering "JQ why? Why a Yoyo?!" I still remember 'centuries' back it was a hit among the cool kids. Is not me, for some reason my bf have been saying that he feels like playing them. So.... Tadaa. 

Yup and now, I present to you a naked chicken! With lots of FATS in it! It is so annoying! My friends and I had BBQ gathering and so I was the one getting the chickens ready. It was horrifying to learn that Tesco chicken comes with so much fat! Argh, Imagine if people don't clean their chickens before cooking them, we will all die with heart attack. 

This is what it looks like after being marinated in Coke for about 20 hours. Of course, excess coke juice have been discarded. After barbecued, kinda of tasteless. Suggestion to add some soy sauce or other things other than just coke. 

This was the killer. Tasty but salty. Over marinated with Oyster sauce and dark caramel sauce. HAHA!

The Gathering! Now everyone is currently undergoing their internship too.

Also, I took some time to join my church youth & young adults for a feeding programme in KL.

As we were on our way, we passed by this building. Nothing special I know cause you can pretty much find this anywhere in KL but I just love the architecture of it. :)

That day special was waffles!

Lining up, preparing to start the feeding programme. If you've seen their packed rice, they are filled with yummy curry and chicken masak merah. Even I'm tempted!

The scenery from the Centre. 

After the feeding programme, is time to feed ourselves. Banana Leaf Rice!!! OMGOSH. Missing it now!So good, I love indian food!


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