
Green ribbon

     I'm the one

Blessings and Curses

I was sent this through email. I don't really open mails that were sent by but I don't know why this time I did and it is very encouraging. All of us have our share of suffering and Christians are not exempted from them. We don’t welcome it but we seldom have much control. Father Henri Nouwen says: “It is an on going temptation to think of our lives as living under a curse . The loss of a friend, an illness, an accident, a natural disaster, a war, or any failure can make us quickly think that we are no good and are being punished. This temptation to think of our lives as full of curses is even greater when all the media present us day after day with stories about human misery. Jesus came to bless us , not to curse us. But we must choose to receive that blessing and hand it on to others . Blessings and curses are always placed in front of us. We are to choose. God says, ‘ Choose the blessings !’” ( Bread for the Journey , Sept 8 )

Say a little prayer.

I stopped breathing, for my heart needs to stop for while to wipe its tears off while reading this post by suling in Aussie now. She rarely update her blog but if there is any, it will be meaningful. So the true story goes: I get on the bus on a public holiday, which explains why I'm the only other person on it. I pick a seat facing the rear, which I almost never do because not all buses have seats facing the rear, so it really was a special bus that day. It's nice and quiet. I close my eyes, letting myself drift either into sleep or into silent communication with God. A few stops after mine, a little boy bounces into the bus, followed by his mother - a punkish, too-young-to-be-a-mom 19ish-year-old. The little boy goes all the way to the back, while his mother picks a seat just in front of him, barely turning to see if he's comfortable or if he needs anything. Little boy busies himself with his toy car and talking gibberish to himself. Sometimes he catches my eye, an


Did you realize that there were one period of time were Tagging on Blog were so IN? I am sure there are some other parts of the world that tagging is still going on but I am sure that it seems like it had fizzled around my friends. It's not that I hate passing tags, it is just that I am too lazy to get to it. Falling back in love with my Pink LG Wine. My blog post are all getting bimbo-ish. Short and self-centred! hahahahaha. Who cares! Wooohoooo

why is it so hard?

I need to stop my obsession. It is bad bad BAD! Only during the entertainment by Gossip Girl could take my mind off things. I catched season two first then season three and jump back to season one. Though, GG is not my main obsession, they are my asprin for my headaches. Oh dear, I guess Taylor Momsen was caught smoking. Bad role model? Then why the other crew from GG are not judged? Is it just because she is younger than everyone else on set? Double standard much. BTW, what kind of role model do you expect from the cast of GG? Isn't the shows bad enough even though I like it so much due to the twisted mind of the directors? Deal with it people! Michelle is killing me with those awesomely beautiful clothing catalogs. I can't wait to get my hands on them! I have to pledge to not buying anymore other clothes after buying those. Lau Wey Chin, come back.......... I am hungry, craving for pasta noodle with no sauce but a pinch of salt. PTPTN is not cooperating, is either the

Bible blitz + Netball

Blogger in draft is driving me crazy, I was having a hard time trying to put up pictures. Thank God for Flock's web clipboard function or I'll probably grow old while waiting for blogger to upload my pictures. Wednesday : Bible biltz The bunch of Klang-ians (leeyee, jolyn, colin& lyon), except Joash, met up in the train headed for YMCA to help up the Gedions for a Bible Blitz. Each of us were assigned to a Gedion whom are non-malaysian. I was teamed up with a south african guy (Andre) and other two malaysian gedions. It was fun overall, great new experience! After, we went over to midvalley for Jolyn's Birthday celebration! The klang girl who hates Bah Kut Teh! Happy Belated Girl! hearts! Thursday and Friday were assignment day. Also, poor Kaven Kan was injured. I visited her just to see how she was doing. Saturday : Got a call from Cecilia the night before to play netball in the morning and I am all 'YEAH!'. I freaki

Woody Wood Pecker!!!!

Shout with me, BALI BALI BALI! I need an escape..... with one of these shiok different sial kind of earrings! Tell me, where can you get them here under RM10+ free postage within malaysia??? Different to the Max! RM8  - Exotic Call me BOHEMIAN! RM 8  - Escapade My star shells, I shall rock the beach! RM7 - Estrella Carved to perfection. RM7 -Enigma   Once last trip to Bali...... Seenamon - Bali collection.