I'm flying to Bali by Yuberactive

I'm Flying to BALI for FREE!
All Thanks to Yuberactive

All I did was joined their Youth Insight Survey and answered 2 questions on their FB for the Grand Prize!

Check the blogpost on Youth Insight Survey Grand Finale at Kopi Talk (Yuber's Blog)

Yuberactive started about a year ago and I was with them ever since their Glam Hunt event! I am currently still actively login on to their Yuberactive Facebook Page as well as Yuberactive Website. Why? Because they are constantly giving out movie tickets and beauty products that caters both men and women. I have to admit, I reaped quite a number of rewards from them already. By winning this trip, it is by far the AWESOMEST REWARD EVER!

Actually, I was given the choice of Bali or Phuket. I was like 'OMG, I can't decide!?' 

"Dear all, if you'e received a booklet by Max Generation or Revelation Rewards (Picture as above), kindly throw them away as they are of no good. It is through my personal experience. Yuberactive was not involve, they have no clue about them and have been consistently helping me in this case."

Still wondering what Yuberactive is?
Read this image :D
OR visit

Thank you Yuberactive! I can't wait for more events/activities/reviews from you! Hearts Yuber forever! YES, I AM A YUBER-ian. 
Join me by joining them!


SiMon Har said…
cool! checking out Yuberactive now!

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