RMC's Graduation.

Gosh, he is done with his SPM, done with form 5. I feel so old as the constant flash back of the day I completed my form 5 keeps running through my head. It's just weird to realize how fast time passes without a warning. I am loving the adult-to-be experience as we are treated like an adult but at the same time it scares me to have the thought of not being under my parents' supervision and not having the luxury of receiving allowance every month. Gosh, I really have to work for my own money now! This is sad!

Sometimes, somehow, I feel that 'Hey, I need to grow up already. Stop acting like a child'. I can't stop being me, a child! Even my younger brother is growing up. The older I grow, the more hard headed I become. I guess I just know clearly and specifically what I wanted for my life, I want the best for myself because I found out that I can't have my parents by my side forever telling me what to do.

How can I live without my parents? I'm such a mummy and daddy's little girl, this I will have to admit.


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